Restoring a Vintage Bookstand


I never stop looking for antiques that I can bring to life back in my workshop – hopefully with just a little effort. So, when I spotted this forgotten, expanding bookstand I knew it had to come home with me.

I start each project like this, by first carefully vacuuming off the dust and dirt using the soft bristle attachment on my shop vacuum.

Since the original finish was intact but dry, I decided all it needed was a coat of Minwax® Paste Finishing Wax. I opted for Minwax’s darker version of the Paste Finishing Wax, as it also disguises any nicks and scratches in the dark oak.

Once it began to harden, I buffed the Paste Finishing Wax with a soft cloth to bring out a protective sheen.

And while this method of restoration does not always result in a dramatic change, it always feels good to know that you have saved a vintage piece while preserving its original appearance – all in just a few minutes time!

Until next time,

Thanks for stopping by!
