Tag Archives: antiques

Restoring a Vintage Bookstand

I never stop looking for antiques that I can bring to life back in my workshop – hopefully with just a little effort. So, when I spotted this forgotten, expanding bookstand I knew it had to come home with me.

I start each project like this, by first carefully vacuuming off the dust
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An Antique Mirror Restoration Made Simple

1. Before

While it may not look so bad from a distance, this 1950s maple mirror had originally been finished with lacquer, a popular finish for mid-century furniture. Unfortunately, this early version of lacquer tended to develop tiny cracks and blemishes over time. Fortunately for us, they
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Restore a Foggy or Cloudy Skylight


For years, the skylight in our bedroom has had a permanent foggy appearance. But aside from looking unsightly, there was no reason to undergo the expense of a new one. So when I spotted this large stained glass window in an antique shop, I got an idea.

NotchesThe window’s frame was falling
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