Category Archives: Ultimate Floor Finish

A Landing Rescue


We had friends over for dinner the other night, and while no one said anything about our worn oak landing, I could imagine the conversation on the way home: “I wonder why Bruce hasn’t done anything about their landing?”



Guilt can be an even stronger motivator than a deadline,
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“Which Floor Is Yours?”

Everyone knows that hardwood floors add value to any home, but how much value depends on their condition. Before jumping into any floor project, it’s always a good idea to determine exactly how your floor rates — and what you can do to improve it.

Example #1 – This floor is still
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Bruce’s Recipes For Holiday Disasters

Okay, so it’s been a stressful few weeks for everyone (including Daisy), what with family and friends coming and going, guests staying overnight, furniture getting moved around, pets becoming over-anxious, and our homes generally getting pushed to — and sometimes over — the limit.
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